Friday 2 December 2011

Marrissa Project

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

a) Book

b) The social issue highlighted in this book is the future society if we don't act now. George Orwell's setting is a future society that allowed things to become worse and worse without anyone stepping in. It shows the ridiculous world we would potentially live in if we don't figure out we need to change.

c) One key scene that allows the power of the message to come through is their "Hate Week" which is a huge event in Oceania. The citizens prepare for it like they would Christmas's. However, rather than being with family and singing Christmas carols the comrades celebrate by chanting about death destruction and whatever else the government wants them to hate. Another powerful piece of the book is the slogan George Orwell creates for the party: "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength". The Statement in itself is contradicting.With this exaggeration one sees the outrageuosness of the society but what they don't realise is that this is where our society is going if we don't choose to act.

d) The target audience for this piece is 18+

e) The message is specifically portrayed through:
Exaggeration: The book shows the perfect "Utopian" society which is actually full of hate, resentment for the leader and pessimism. No one is happy and they are forced into extreme situations such as "hate week". War and conformity is extremely exaggerated in this book. "Big Brother is always watching" meaning the government is using video surveillance on everyone to ensure no one steps out of line. It's exaggerating that the government will take complete control if we don't choose to stop it and vote and have a voice in who we want to lead our country.

f) What makes the book effective in getting the point across is the bleak and brutal story line. It forces you to look at the path society is on and actually want to stop it. At the time George Orwell wrote this book more people were reading meaning the book would have been read by many and more and more people would hear the message and want to help with it. No one wants to live in a "Utopian" society like Oceania.

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